EpicentRx Hollywood Squares

Mar 15, 2024

On a recent team-wide Zoom call, Meaghan Stirn, VP of Special Projects, which is a nefariously mysterious title, if there ever was one, dared us to write a blog post on Hollywood Squares. This dare came after Jeannie Williams, Director of Clinical Operations, commented on how much the Zoom gallery view resembled the Hollywood Squares TV show layout with each of the participants in their small box.

Ok… challenge accepted, Meaghan!

Here goes.

For those that don’t know, Hollywood Squares – cue the theme music – was a long-running game show in which two contestants played tic-tac-toe for money and prizes. The tic-tac-toe “board” for the game involved 9 celebrities that were stacked 3 cubes high and 3 cubes wide. The host of the game asked these celebrities trivia questions, and two contestants judged the correctness of their sometimes outrageous, almost always humorous answers to win the game.

On EpicentRx Zoom calls, Dr. Tony Reid, who plays the role of genial host, asks EpicentRx team members, aka “the Squares” X- and O-like questions on RRx-001 and AdAPT-001 and clinical trials.

For example:

  • By what mechanisms are RRx-001 radioprotective?
  • In what tumor types has AdAPT-001 shown activity?
  • How do you pronounce the generic name of RRx-001 (nibrozetone)?
  • What are the latest updates from clinical sites?

No money or prizes are distributed for correct answers, of course, but as a rule clinical trial patients come out winners when EpicentRx team members are on top of their game, which is fortunately almost always the case.

Frequently on these Zoom meetings one or more team members like Allison Pratt, head of Human Resources, and Nacer Abrouk, head of Statistics, turn the tables on Tony Reid and ask him thoughtful, probing and sometimes humorous questions, which he is more than happy to answer.

Sometimes those questions are way off topic.

Like this one here now, which we pose to all and sundry: were the Brady Bunch on a Zoom call, all the way back in the 1970s?


Any thoughts, Meaghan?