

Imagine for a moment that the practically perfect in every way Julie Andrews decides to reprise her role as Mary Poppins and sing the following as a public service announcement (PSA): “It’s supercalifragilisticendometriosis. Even though the pain of it is simply quite...
EpicentRx Word of the Week: Endometriosis

EpicentRx Word of the Week: Endometriosis

“Supercalifragilisticendometriosis” Endometriosis noun en-doe-me-tree-O-sis Definition: the presence and growth of endometrial tissue in areas outside of the uterus Related forms: endometrioses plural endometriotic adjective Example sentences: “Endometriosis is a...
All Roads (May Not?) Lead to ROMAN

All Roads (May Not?) Lead to ROMAN

We understand that Galera Therapeutics is currently going through a rough patch after the FDA’s refusal to approve their anti-mucositis agent, avasopasem manganese, and we sincerely wish them well. Avasopasem, a superoxide dismutase mimetic, is the latest...