Swelling and Spelling: What is Lymphedema/Lymphoedema?

Swelling and Spelling: What is Lymphedema/Lymphoedema?

The playwright and novelist, Oscar Wilde, wrote that “We have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language.” Not to be outdone, Sir Winston Churchill described the United States and Great Britain as two nations “divided by the same...
Insult to Injury

Insult to Injury

For illustrative purposes, below is an excerpt from a hypothetical patient chart note: “58 yr old well-nourished male patient, very poor historian, impressive chest X-ray, a fib, occult blood in the urine, +BS, dizzy, +++ SOB needs CABG and F/U.” It occurs to us that...


ZZZ-Zzzz-ZZzzz-snort-gasp-pause-snort-pause-zZZzzzZZ . . . Sound familiar? If so, you or someone you know—and more likely than not snorers will deny that they snore let alone gasp or pause because practically speaking they almost never wake themselves up only everyone...


Between them, AdAPT-001 and RRx-001/nibrozetone are potentially active against a range of “-itises,” literally meaning inflammatory diseases. These may include encephalitis, hypophysitis, carditis, pneumonitis, stomatitis, gingivostomatitis, parotitis, esophagitis,...