May The Proton Motive Force Be With Us All

May The Proton Motive Force Be With Us All

From Star Wars Wiki Page May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day to obsessed fans like us, is less than a week away and only lasts for a mere 24 hours, but to quote Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, “The Force will be with you, always”. The proton motive force (PMF), that is....
The AdAPT-001 “Whichdunit”

The AdAPT-001 “Whichdunit”

Ok, so everyone likes a good “whodunit”. This is the genre of classic “pure puzzle” mysteries where the dramatic final “reveal” of the culprit, the person “who did it”, takes place at the end or denouement after a long suspense-filled buildup, with plot twists and red...
RRx-001 and FDA Fast Track

RRx-001 and FDA Fast Track

The big news at EpicentRx last week is that its lead small molecule, RRx-001, received Fast Track designation for the prevention/amelioration of severe oral mucositis (SOM). What is oral mucositis, how does RRx-001 prevent/ameliorate it, and why is this big news?...